At Glu Recruit, we like to wear our positive hats and keep calm. However, we are very aware that many of us are worried about the current health pandemic and many small businesses are wondering how to keep going if we do have to self isolate.
We can’t offer all the advice you need to keep your business ticking along – you’re best to start with government advice. But we can offer some tips!
So, how do you continue with working and recruiting to those key positions during this period?
Your duty of care
It’s important to remember that, in the first instance, you have to take any necessary steps to protect your staff. You have health and safety obligations and must keep employees informed about health risks that may occur in the workplace. You also must ensure that working practices do not create undue risks to employees.
Create a risk assessment. Can you limit travel unless essential? Are those big group meetings absolutely necessary? Have you provided enough soap and sanitiser to ensure employees can manage their hygiene? Have you ensured that your sick leave policies are flexible and consistent with public health guidance and that employees are aware of these policies?
Ensure your staff are equipped to work from home
It’s highly likely that businesses will see a rise in staff absence due to the current coronavirus situation. This could be due to self isolation, schools closing and caring responsibilities. It’s important to test your IT provisions for home working.
Look into tools like Skype, Google suite and VPN options. Ensure that you have everybody’s contact details. If you can provide staff with laptops or tablets, do so. If you can’t, you can ask staff to let you know what equipment they have available to them at home. Be aware that some people may not have a home PC or laptop in this increasingly mobile-based society.
Encourage healthy behaviour
There are a number of posters available to put up around the workplace and remind people about the importance of handwashing and protecting themselves and others.
You can still keep recruiting
At Glu, we regularly speak to candidates via Skype and video calls. It saves time and makes life much easier. There’s no reason why you can’t interview candidates through video calls. Most people have access to a webcam, tablet or mobile phone with a camera. You can offer this as an option to candidates from now. Tell them that you understand it may be easier for them to chat via video link. Some may still want to come in if they can, but putting the option there will give them peace of mind.
Temporary staff
At times like this, temporary staff could provide the best short term solution for any staff absence through illness or self isolation. Temps can provide cover for any existing vacancies you may have, as well as helping to cover the inevitable absences that some businesses are currently facing.
Be understanding
People are understandably worried about the virus and its impact on their lives, and their family and loved ones’ lives. Be empathetic with current employees and candidates.
If you need more advice on how to manage your employees and recruitment during this time – get in touch with our team on 0114 321 1873 or hello@glurecruit.co.uk.