Are you a Red, Blue, Green or Yellow personality type?



03 August 2022 – UPDATED: How to get the most out of your employees based on their personality type.

Our personalities can be divided into colours. Each colour has particular traits, and it is important for you to understand your own traits and those who you are directly responsible for. Not only will it help you to psychologically understand your team better, but it will help how you interact with them also. If you know how to get the best out of a person, you will see great results, and better still if you recognise what colour you are, you are able to advise people how to get the best out of you, your likes and dislikes, your strengths and your weaknesses.

It can be taken further too, to:

  • Strengthen relationships with your customers
  • Building a true ‘bespoke’ offering
  • Assist in training and developing your team
  • Succession planning
  • Recruiting the right profile match for the role
  • Complaint Handling
  • Staff motivation
  • Staff retention

Here’s a snippet:


Reds are strong leaders, fast paced thinkers, risk takers, purposeful, drivers, strong-willed, high energy, competitive and rational. You may recognise many of the qualities in many leaders as they take ownership, need to be fast paced in their thinking, take risks and be purposeful and confident with it. They don’t like waffle and tend to lack patience.

If you want to help red, in a work environment, you need to demonstrate the benefits that come with the details. It’s all well and good having a destination but cutting corners can cause problems! After they’ve successfully completed a project, focusing more on the details, have a chat with them about the benefits of doing this – using real life examples.


Blues are deep thinkers, analytical in nature, very detail focused and formal in their thinking. They can come across as being aloof, but are deliberate in their approach and systematic, precise and pays attention to detail. Blues like things in their place, and are very organised with good time management skills. They are sticklers for time and are capable of coming to their own conclusions without having examples of others pushed at them. They take their time in their thinking and are much slower paced than the reds or yellows. Blues can come across as perfectionists due to their logical, systematic, precise and deliberate approach to problems or solutions. Blues like to have all the facts, and then logically put together an answer that is suitable. They don’t like vagueness, a lack of detail or an absence of facts or figures.

While taking their time and being thorough is important, sometimes we’re working to tight deadlines and a fast turn around is necessary. In these instances, explain to blues the time frame and the importance of finishing a project. Be sure to offer support and explain the importance of prioritising and delegating tasks. This way they won’t feel immense pressure and worry about burnout, but will understand that they need to pick up the pace – and will have help to do so, if necessary!


Greens are cool, laid back, relaxed and patient. They are easy to get along with and very informal in their approach. Greens are social and focus on relationships so can come across as emotional. They are much slower paced in their thinking and are very democratic people. They’re very understanding, and agreeable. They don’t like ‘pushy’, being put on the spot and can spot if you’re being insincere a mile off!

Because of this laid back attitude, Greens tend not to like friction, so we would advise discussing any criticisms in private. They may need reassurance not to take the criticism personally, but rather professionally, to avoid them shutting down emotionally. Greens tend not to lead the conversation in one on one situations, so it may be that you need to ask questions to prove more of a response.


Yellows are the life and soul of the party, they are sociable, expressive, very imaginative and enthusiastic with it. Yellows are very informal, very optimistic and animated. Their Imaginations can sometimes run away with them as they are very fast paced thinkers. Yellows are very relationship focused and are visionaries with obvious high energy. They don’t like their opinions being suppressed, too much detail or when your interactions are impersonal.

Because yellows are such high energy, sometimes it can be difficult to gage whether or not they’ve taken in what you’ve said. You need to strike the right balance between confirming they understand what you’ve said, and being patronising. Yellows are the type to engage in non-work related conversations and this can sometimes be a great way of striking up a good relationship with them.

We’re passionate about finding the right match for your vacancy and ensuring they stick and add value as your business grows. We like to partner with employers and become your outsourced recruitment function. Our ‘personal recruiter’ service does just that. For more information on colour profiling and Glu Recruit can help your business, call us in for a consultation.

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