How does a recruitment agency work?
We know that, as you enter the world of full-time employment, many people want to know how a recruitment agency works. We do very much the same thing as every other recruitment agency – we help candidates find their ideal employer and we help employers to find their dream candidate. That’s it, in a nutshell. However, at Glu we do things a little differently to your everyday high street agency.
Firstly, we know our candidates. We get to know you, go through your CV and help you to spot skills you have and may not realise. We don’t charge you a penny for our services and we only get paid by businesses when we give them the right person; so it’s in our interests, as much as it is yours, that we get it right!
Secondly, we know our employers. We understand their cultures, their teams and their working practises. We will advise you honestly, transparently and thoroughly as to whether you’re a good fit for their business.
Starting out in the job market can be a daunting time. Sending out applications, preparing for interviews and, unfortunately, handling rejections are really time-consuming and sometimes stressful. By registering with us, you go into our database with local roles that are organised in a way that we can spot if one is right for you and we will talk you through it. If you’re interested, we then pitch you into the employer and ask them to consider you for an interview.
Following the interview, if you’re successful we will negotiate where necessary, arrange for you to speak to them directly to begin your induction and file all the paperwork with them. Once you start your role, we’ll be in touch to check how things are going. We’re nice like that!
If your interview or application is unsuccessful, we will work to get some constructive feedback to make sure that we know what we can change, adapt and improve. We will look for alternative positions and keep you in the loop.
Alternatively, if you are keen to work at a certain company or in a certain industry – we can look at that too. We’re not afraid to pick up the phone and chat to businesses about our amazing candidates. It’s much easier to have somebody else sell you than cold-calling places yourself. Sit back and let us do that for you!
By registering with us, you get the first ‘dibs’ on any roles we have available that meet your skillset and experience. We will contact you with details and discuss if you wish to be put forward for the role. We can talk you through the company’s ideal candidate and how you can best fit what they need. We can coach you on your interview technique, what to wear and share any little inside information we have that might make you stand out!
There are more details about working with a recruitment agency on websites like which offer independent advice on how to work with us.
Just remember: We’re not some stuffy office, full of crisp white shirts and a strong smell of coffee – we’re real, we’re local and we want to help you. If you would like to see how we can help you find your dream role after you graduate drop our graduate recruitment team a line on 0114 321 1873 or