Lisa, our latest addition to the team, is settling nicely in to her role here at Glu Recruit.
We thought as nosey Yorkshire folk it might be nice for you to get to know her a bit! Check out Lisa’s biog and we asked some quick-fire questions to check her reflexes!
Lisa is a ‘born & bread’ Sheffield lass with a love for a nice brew. Lisa enjoys the great outdoors and is happiest when she is out in the fresh air with her family and dogs, Macy and Skye. A keen runner, Lisa can often be found clocking up the miles around her local area in Aston. When she’s not working at Glu HQ, running or looking after her family she is a cleaning fanatic and mega organised! Her character can best be likened to Monica from Friends!
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
“Keep moving forward and don’t look back”
What is your greatest achievement?
Having the opportunity to work with Rob and my job at Glu Recruit. Ok, she didn’t say that really!
“Of course, it’s my children”
What is your favourite thing about our fair city?
“There’s no other place like it and the people are salt of the earth”
Favourite song and film of all time?
“Song – It’s too hard to choose, I love all types of music old and new. Don’t make me pick!
Film – Dirty Dancing”
We’re thrilled to have Lisa on board said Rob Shaw, MD. We’re not far from our one year birthday and I’m chuffed to bits to grow the team and enhance our delivery to the lovely companies and job seekers in Yorkshire and the Midlands. We’re more set up than ever now to deliver beyond expectations and continually grow our offering for our clients. Lisa loves a brew like the rest of us and so if your current methods of finding your ideal candidate or role aren’t working then drop us a line.
Click one of the links below for more information on how we can help you:
Candidates: https://www.glurecruit.co.uk/candidates/
Employers: https://www.glurecruit.co.uk/employer/